Archive for September 4, 2010

Frozen Walt Disney Pictures and Video

Posted in Robert Selander Fan Club, Robert's Brain with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 4, 2010 by robertselander

Well, Frozen Walt Disney was super fun and a huge success! It was a lot of work, but in the end I am very proud of it and now have a huge Disney-made cryogenic freezer residing in my living room. Slowly but surely, my eclectic comedy career is affording me to become the creepy clown man living in the abandoned fun house that I’ve always wanted to be. With every comedy project I take on, I seem to amass one more huge prop. Someday people will instinctually cross to the other side of the street when they near my house, as I laugh/barf uncontrollably from the eyehole of the giant foam rubber transvestite face that is the front siding of my home. A bright future indeed!  Until then, here’s the video from The Re-Animation of Frozen Walt Disney, as well as pictures! YAY!

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September Shows!!

Posted in Shows on September 4, 2010 by robertselander

I know it’s already September and one of the shows I’m posting about is tonight, but here it is! September Shows! Eat it!

9-4-10 Comics and Comics@ Meltdown Comics, 8pm

9-5-10 The Breakfast Show @ The Strange, 4pm & 8pm, $5

9-17-10 Tartar Control @ Pancakes And Punks Radio Show, 9am

9-18-10 Tartar Control @ The Strange, 9pm, $5

This is a light month, but there will be more shows to come!
